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Advantage flea treatment for cats 0.4 ml - under 4 kg

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Advantage Vet contains imidacloprid, which kills adult fleas on the animal as well as larvae in the immediate surroundings.

Advantage® knows. cutaneous solution for dogs and cats (imidacloprid)

Indication: For the prevention and treatment of fleas on dogs and cats and for the treatment of fur lice (Trichodectes canis) on dogs. Fleas on dogs die within 1 day after treatment. One treatment prevents further flea attacks for 3-4 weeks. The preparation can be used as part of the treatment strategy to control flea-related allergic dermatitis (Flea Allergy Dermatits (FAD)), where the diagnosis has been made by the vet.

Dosage dog: Under 4 kg: 1 pipette of 0.4 ml; 4 - 10 kg: 1 pipette of 1.0 ml; 10 - 25 kg: 1 pipette of 2.5 ml; 25 - 40 kg: 1 pipette of 4.0 ml; over 40 kg: 2 pipettes of 4.0 ml. One treatment prevents further flea attacks for 4 weeks. When treating fur lice, a veterinary check-up is recommended after 30 days, as some animals require a second treatment.

Dosage cat: Under 4 kg: 1 pipette of 0.4 ml; 4 kg and above: 1 pipette of 0.8 ml. One treatment prevents further flea attacks for 3-4 weeks.

Contraindications: Lactating puppies and kittens under 8 weeks of age are not treated. Should not be used in animals with known hypersensitivity to imidacloprid or any of the excipients.

Precautions: For external use. Do not give orally. Avoid the contents of the pipette coming into contact with the eyes or mouth of the animal. Do not allow recently treated animals to lick each other. Wash hands thoroughly after handling animals. In case of spillage on the skin, wash with soap and water. People with known skin hypersensitivity may be particularly sensitive to the drug. Avoid getting the product in the mouth and eyes. Do not eat, drink or smoke during application. If the product accidentally gets into the eyes, rinse them with water. Seek medical attention if skin or eye irritation persists or if the preparation is accidentally swallowed. Treated animals should not come into contact with surface water for the first 48 hours after treatment, as the preparation is harmful to organisms in the water.

Side effects: The preparation tastes bitter and salivation may occasionally occur if the animal licks the application site immediately after treatment. This is not a sign of poisoning and disappears within a few minutes without treatment. In very rare cases, skin reactions such as hair loss, redness of the skin, itching and sores may occur. Nervousness and disorientation may also occur. Drooling and nervous signs such as ataxia, tremors and depression have been observed in both dogs and cats.

Other information: The solvent in Advantage® vet. may cause stains on certain materials such as plastics, leather, textiles and treated surfaces. Therefore, allow the liquid to dry before allowing contact with these materials.

Gaskets: Advantage® vet. packs of 4 pipettes. For dogs 0.4 ml - 1.0 ml - 2.5 ml - 4.0 ml.

For cats 0.4 ml - 0.8 ml.

Delivery: HV

Marketing Authorization Holder: Bayer Animal Health GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany.

The text has been rewritten and/or shortened in relation to the product summary approved by the Danish Medicines Agency dated 14/06-2021. The product summaries can be requested free of charge from Elanco.

Sold by: Elanco Denmark ApS, Lautrupvang 12, 2750 Ballerup. Telephone 4526 6060


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