More than just food bowls!

Here at Petshopdanmark, we focus on securing the best options for you when you need to buy equipment for your dog. That's why, in addition to standard food bowls, we have different activity models that ensure your dog the right activation when he gets food. All dogs need mental stimulation, and you can give it that by, for example, letting it eat from a lick mat, or one of the many other activation "food bowls" found on this page.
In addition to the many different types of food bowls, you can also find both drinking fountains and drinking machines that ensure your dog always has access to fresh drinking water!
Flere størrelser

Lufttæt Beholder til Hundemad og Kattemad samt andre kæledyr – Hold Foderet Friskt og Beskyttet

Opbevar dit kæledyrs tørfoder på den bedste måde med denne praktiske lufttætte beholder. Designet i en transparent og hvid farve, sikrer den lufttætte lukning, at foderet forbliver friskt og beskyttet mod fugt, luft og andre påvirkninger, der kan reducere kvaliteten.

Fordele ved Beholderen:

  • Lufttæt Opbevaring: Holder foderet frisk og fri for fugt, hvilket forlænger holdbarheden.
  • Praktisk Design: Transparent materiale gør det nemt at se beholdningens niveau, og den hvide farve giver et stilrent udseende.
  • Koblingsmulighed: Beholderen kan kobles sammen med andre fodertønder for effektiv organisering af større mængder.
  • Let Rengøring: Fremstillet af plast, der gør den nem at rengøre og vedligeholde.


Perfekt til opbevaring af tørfoder til både hunde og katte samt andre kæledyr. Beholderens funktionelle design gør den også ideel til at holde foderet fri for skadedyr og uønskede lugte.

Bestil din lufttætte fodertønde i dag og sikr, at dit kæledyrs foder opbevares under optimale forhold, så det altid er friskt og sundt. Med denne praktiske opbevaringsløsning får du både kvalitet og funktionalitet i én!

Price from
185,00 DKK

Dette Eat on Feet skålsæt er et stilfuldt og praktisk valg til dine kæledyrs måltider. Sættet består af to keramikskåle i en kombination af petrol og lyspetrol grå farver, der sidder fast i et sort metalstativ, der er pulverlakeret for holdbarhed. Skålene er udstyret med skridsikre gummifødder, der holder dem stabile under brug, og det elegante design passer godt til enhver indretning.

0,25 l/ø 13 cm
115,00 DKK

En foldbar drikkeflaske til hunde er det ideelle tilbehør for den aktive hundeejer, der elsker at tage sin hund med på eventyr. Vores foldbare drikkeflaske er let, kompakt og nem at transportere, hvilket gør den perfekt til vandreture, rejser og daglige gåture. Flasken er fremstillet af holdbare og sikre materialer, der sikrer, at vandet forbliver rent og friskt. Med dens smarte foldbare design kan flasken nemt opbevares i en taske eller rygsæk, når den ikke er i brug. Den integrerede skål gør det hurtigt og nemt for din hund at drikke, mens den lækagesikre lukning forhindrer spild. Gør hydreringsoplevelsen praktisk og problemfri med vores foldbare drikkeflaske til hunde, og hold din firbenede ven sund og glad på farten.

129,00 DKK

En foldbar drikkeflaske til hunde er det ideelle tilbehør for den aktive hundeejer, der elsker at tage sin hund med på eventyr. Vores foldbare drikkeflaske er let, kompakt og nem at transportere, hvilket gør den perfekt til vandreture, rejser og daglige gåture. Flasken er fremstillet af holdbare og sikre materialer, der sikrer, at vandet forbliver rent og friskt. Med dens smarte foldbare design kan flasken nemt opbevares i en taske eller rygsæk, når den ikke er i brug. Den integrerede skål gør det hurtigt og nemt for din hund at drikke, mens den lækagesikre lukning forhindrer spild. Gør hydreringsoplevelsen praktisk og problemfri med vores foldbare drikkeflaske til hunde, og hold din firbenede ven sund og glad på farten.

129,00 DKK

Reservefilter til Flamingo vandfontæne - 3 stk.

109,95 DKK
499,00 DKK
FREE shipping!

Ceramic bowl grey, is a nice and neutral ceramic bowl for food or water.

The bowl is gray and light gray on the inside.

Size: 0.6 L

99,00 DKK
  • skridsikker på grund af gummibundring
  • Farve: Sort
  • Størrelse: 0,3 L/ø 16 cm

TRIXIE støtter maritime beskyttelsesprojekter fra salget af serien, og ved at gøre dette bidrager vi til bæredygtig naturbevaring og beskyttelse af mange arter.

59,95 DKK

Lad os se det i øjnene - vores hunde kan godt svine en smule når de spiser og drikker. Libra skåleunderlaget fra DOG Copenhagen er designet til at beskytte gulvet og samtidig indramme et stilfuldt foderområde i dit hjem.

De hævede kanter holder effektivt på det spildte og den smukke ovale form passer til ethvert interiør. Fremstillet af fødevaregodkendt silikone der kan rengøres i hånden eller kommes i opvaskemaskinen.

Libra skåleunderlag kommer i to forskellige størrelser og et udvalg af rolige interiørfarver, der komplementerer vores serie af hundeskåle.


  • Stilfuld ovalt skåleunderlag til din hunds foder- og vandskåle
  • Hævede kanter for effektivt at beskytte gulvet
  • Fremstillet af fødevaregodkendt silikone
  • Tåler opvaskemaskine
  • Designet i Danmark
Price from
179,00 DKK

Lad os se det i øjnene - vores hunde kan godt svine en smule når de spiser og drikker. Libra skåleunderlaget fra DOG Copenhagen er designet til at beskytte gulvet og samtidig indramme et stilfuldt foderområde i dit hjem.

De hævede kanter holder effektivt på det spildte og den smukke ovale form passer til ethvert interiør. Fremstillet af fødevaregodkendt silikone der kan rengøres i hånden eller kommes i opvaskemaskinen.

Libra skåleunderlag kommer i to forskellige størrelser og et udvalg af rolige interiørfarver, der komplementerer vores serie af hundeskåle.


  • Stilfuld ovalt skåleunderlag til din hunds foder- og vandskåle
  • Hævede kanter for effektivt at beskytte gulvet
  • Fremstillet af fødevaregodkendt silikone
  • Tåler opvaskemaskine
  • Designet i Danmark
Price from
179,00 DKK

Lad os se det i øjnene - vores hunde kan godt svine en smule når de spiser og drikker. Libra skåleunderlaget fra DOG Copenhagen er designet til at beskytte gulvet og samtidig indramme et stilfuldt foderområde i dit hjem.

De hævede kanter holder effektivt på det spildte og den smukke ovale form passer til ethvert interiør. Fremstillet af fødevaregodkendt silikone der kan rengøres i hånden eller kommes i opvaskemaskinen.

Libra skåleunderlag kommer i to forskellige størrelser og et udvalg af rolige interiørfarver, der komplementerer vores serie af hundeskåle.


  • Stilfuld ovalt skåleunderlag til din hunds foder- og vandskåle
  • Hævede kanter for effektivt at beskytte gulvet
  • Fremstillet af fødevaregodkendt silikone
  • Tåler opvaskemaskine
  • Designet i Danmark
Price from
179,00 DKK

Moderne og minimalistisk designet hundeskål fra DOG Copenhagen der vil bringe et strejf af nordisk stil ind i dit hjem.

Vega skålen er lavet af højkvalitets rustfrit stål med en effektiv skridsikker gummibase, der holder skålen på plads, mens din hund spiser.

Beregnet som dine primære foder- og vandskåle i dit hjem, men fungerer lige så godt udenfor på terrassen. Denne skål er flot, robust, nem at rengøre og tåler opvaskemaskine.

Vega skålen kommer i to forskellige størrelser og et udvalg af rolige interiørfarver.

Prøv vores matchende Libra skåleunderlag for det komplette sæt!


  • Moderne og minimalistisk hundeskål lavet af rustfrit stål
  • Integreret skridsikker gummibund
  • Tåler opvaskemaskine
  • Designet i Danmark
Price from
199,00 DKK

Moderne og minimalistisk designet hundeskål fra DOG Copenhagen der vil bringe et strejf af nordisk stil ind i dit hjem.

Vega skålen er lavet af højkvalitets rustfrit stål med en effektiv skridsikker gummibase, der holder skålen på plads, mens din hund spiser.

Beregnet som dine primære foder- og vandskåle i dit hjem, men fungerer lige så godt udenfor på terrassen. Denne skål er flot, robust, nem at rengøre og tåler opvaskemaskine.

Vega skålen kommer i to forskellige størrelser og et udvalg af rolige interiørfarver.

Prøv vores matchende Libra skåleunderlag for det komplette sæt!


  • Moderne og minimalistisk hundeskål lavet af rustfrit stål
  • Integreret skridsikker gummibund
  • Tåler opvaskemaskine
  • Designet i Danmark
Price from
199,00 DKK

Moderne og minimalistisk designet hundeskål fra DOG Copenhagen der vil bringe et strejf af nordisk stil ind i dit hjem.

Vega skålen er lavet af højkvalitets rustfrit stål med en effektiv skridsikker gummibase, der holder skålen på plads, mens din hund spiser.

Beregnet som dine primære foder- og vandskåle i dit hjem, men fungerer lige så godt udenfor på terrassen. Denne skål er flot, robust, nem at rengøre og tåler opvaskemaskine.

Vega skålen kommer i to forskellige størrelser og et udvalg af rolige interiørfarver.

Prøv vores matchende Libra skåleunderlag for det komplette sæt!


  • Moderne og minimalistisk hundeskål lavet af rustfrit stål
  • Integreret skridsikker gummibund
  • Tåler opvaskemaskine
  • Designet i Danmark
Price from
199,00 DKK

Moderne og minimalistisk designet hundeskål fra DOG Copenhagen der vil bringe et strejf af nordisk stil ind i dit hjem.

Vega skålen er lavet af højkvalitets rustfrit stål med en effektiv skridsikker gummibase, der holder skålen på plads, mens din hund spiser.

Beregnet som dine primære foder- og vandskåle i dit hjem, men fungerer lige så godt udenfor på terrassen. Denne skål er flot, robust, nem at rengøre og tåler opvaskemaskine.

Vega skålen kommer i to forskellige størrelser og et udvalg af rolige interiørfarver.

Prøv vores matchende Libra skåleunderlag for det komplette sæt!


  • Moderne og minimalistisk hundeskål lavet af rustfrit stål
  • Integreret skridsikker gummibund
  • Tåler opvaskemaskine
  • Designet i Danmark
Price from
199,00 DKK

Moderne og minimalistisk designet hundeskål fra DOG Copenhagen der vil bringe et strejf af nordisk stil ind i dit hjem.

Vega skålen er lavet af højkvalitets rustfrit stål med en effektiv skridsikker gummibase, der holder skålen på plads, mens din hund spiser.

Beregnet som dine primære foder- og vandskåle i dit hjem, men fungerer lige så godt udenfor på terrassen. Denne skål er flot, robust, nem at rengøre og tåler opvaskemaskine.

Vega skålen kommer i to forskellige størrelser og et udvalg af rolige interiørfarver.

Prøv vores matchende Libra skåleunderlag for det komplette sæt!


  • Moderne og minimalistisk hundeskål lavet af rustfrit stål
  • Integreret skridsikker gummibund
  • Tåler opvaskemaskine
  • Designet i Danmark
Price from
199,00 DKK
  • skridsikker på grund af gummibundring
  • Farve: Sort
  • Størrelse: 0,5 L/ø 16 cm

TRIXIE støtter maritime beskyttelsesprojekter fra salget af serien, og ved at gøre dette bidrager vi til bæredygtig naturbevaring og beskyttelse af mange arter.

69,95 DKK
  • skridsikker på grund af gummibundring
  • Farve: Sort
  • Størrelse: 1,2 L/ø 18 cm

TRIXIE støtter maritime beskyttelsesprojekter fra salget af serien, og ved at gøre dette bidrager vi til bæredygtig naturbevaring og beskyttelse af mange arter.

84,95 DKK
  • skridsikker på grund af gummibundring
  • Farve: Taupe
  • Størrelse: 1,2 L/ø 18 cm

TRIXIE støtter maritime beskyttelsesprojekter fra salget af serien, og ved at gøre dette bidrager vi til bæredygtig naturbevaring og beskyttelse af mange arter.

84,95 DKK
  • skridsikker på grund af gummibundring
  • Farve: Taupe
  • Størrelse: 0,5 L/ø 16 cm

TRIXIE støtter maritime beskyttelsesprojekter fra salget af serien, og ved at gøre dette bidrager vi til bæredygtig naturbevaring og beskyttelse af mange arter.

69,95 DKK

Lickimat Wobble makes the dog or cat eat more slowly.

Both dogs and cats like to lick things and it has a calming effect on them. Lickimat is a rubber mat designed with patterns that make dogs and cats spend extra time licking up the food.

The licking reflex releases endorphins, and this means that the pets become naturally relaxed and tired after spending time on the Lickimat. Therefore, Lickimat can be good for animals that need to relax. At the same time, the animals must constantly decode how to get hold of the food, and this means that Lickimat also prevents boredom.

How do you use LickiMat?

Spread your pet's favorite healthy snack (spreadable) on the surface of the LickiMat, making sure to get well into the corners. If necessary, use the back of a spoon or a plastic/silicone scraper.

This is why LickiMat is good for your pet:

1. Licking things is soothing

2. Entertains your pet with a tasty snack

3. Enjoy a smaller meal without overfeeding

4. Cleans the tongue and promotes fresh breath, healthy teeth and gums

5. Stimulate saliva to aid the digestive system.

6. Lickimat make it easier to pass the time alone.

139,00 DKK
169,00 DKK
You save: 30,00 DKK

Lickimat Wobble makes the dog or cat eat more slowly.

Both dogs and cats like to lick things and it has a calming effect on them. Lickimat is a rubber mat designed with patterns that make dogs and cats spend extra time licking up the food.

The licking reflex releases endorphins, and this means that the pets become naturally relaxed and tired after spending time on the Lickimat. Therefore, Lickimat can be good for animals that need to relax. At the same time, the animals must constantly decode how to get hold of the food, and this means that Lickimat also prevents boredom.

How do you use LickiMat?

Spread your pet's favorite healthy snack (spreadable) on the surface of the LickiMat, making sure to get well into the corners. If necessary, use the back of a spoon or a plastic/silicone scraper.

This is why LickiMat is good for your pet:

1. Licking things is soothing

2. Entertains your pet with a tasty snack

3. Enjoy a smaller meal without overfeeding

4. Cleans the tongue and promotes fresh breath, healthy teeth and gums

5. Stimulate saliva to aid the digestive system.

6. Lickimat make it easier to pass the time alone.

139,00 DKK
169,00 DKK
You save: 30,00 DKK
(More colors)

Introducing the elegant and functional Black Dog Food Bowl - the perfect solution to give your dog a stylish and comfortable eating experience. This food bowl has been designed with a focus on both aesthetics and functionality, and it will fit perfectly into any modern decor.

The black food bowl is made of high quality. It is cut in a round shape with a smooth surface that makes it easy to clean and maintain. The solid construction ensures that the food bowl can withstand daily use and last for a long time without losing its shape or quality.

The black color adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to your dog's dining area. The minimalist design fits perfectly into any style, and the matte finish gives a modern and stylish look. Whether you have a small or large dog, this food bowl will be a stylish and practical choice.

With an appropriate size, you can give your dog an appropriate amount of food without overfilling the bowl. Its spacious interior provides space for both dry food and wet food, and the deep shape prevents spillage and makes it easy for your dog to eat without swallowing.

Important Features:

  • Round shape and smooth surface for easy cleaning
  • Solid construction for long-lasting use
  • Elegant black color and minimalist design
  • Appropriate size to meet your dog's needs

The Black Dog Food Bowl is not only a stylish accessory for your dog's eating area, but it is also practical and functional. Your dog will enjoy eating from this food bowl and you will love the modern look that fits perfectly into your home.

By choosing the Black Dog Food Bowl, you show that you value both your dog's nutritional needs and the aesthetics of your home. Let your dog enjoy every bite in style and comfort with this beautiful food bowl, created to both impress and satisfy the needs of even the most discerning dog owner.

Price from
45,00 DKK

Enamel bowl for dogs - The combination of style and functionality

Give your dog a dining experience in a special class with our enamel bowl for dogs. This stylish and durable bowl is designed to meet your dog's needs and add a touch of elegance to their meals.

Our enamel bowl is made of high-quality steel ceramic, which is coated with a durable enamel layer. This makes the bowl robust and resistant to scratches, marks and stains, ensuring that it retains its good looks for a long time. The smooth surface is also easy to clean, saving you time and trouble.

The bowl is designed with the perfect size for dogs, so it holds the right amount of food or water for your four-legged friend. The wide base provides stability and prevents the bowl from tipping over or being pushed around during mealtime. The deep shape ensures that the food stays in the bowl and minimizes waste.

In addition to functionality, our enamel bowl is also designed with a focus on aesthetics. It comes in a range of beautiful colors and patterns to suit any decor and reflect your style and personality. Choose between classic and neutral tones or lively and exuberant shades to adapt the bowl to your dog and your home.

Whether your dog is a slow eater or an energetic foodie, our enamel bowl will meet their needs and make mealtime a pleasure. It combines style and functionality in an elegant way, and will be a favorite choice among both you and your dog.

Upgrade your dog's dining experience with our enamel bowl today and let them enjoy their meals in style and comfort. With its durability, easy cleaning and aesthetic appeal, our dog bowl will be a stylish and practical accessory for your home.

Treat your dog to our enamel bowl and add a touch of elegance to their mealtime. Make meals an enjoyable experience every day.

Price from
39,00 DKK

The B&B Luxury 3in1 Water Bottle is the ultimate companion for every dog owner on the go. This bottle combines three functions in one: it has a double-sided stainless steel bottle for water, a container for storing food or treats.

The bottle's double-sided stainless steel construction keeps the water cold for up to 24 hours, so your dog can always enjoy a fresh drink. The additional storage container at the bottom of the bottle also allows you to store treats or small snacks for your dog, so you always have them close at hand.

Easy to clean, making it convenient to take on the go. Overall, the B&B Luxury 3in1 Water Bottle is a practical, stylish and functional solution for dogs who need a reliable source of water and treats on the go.

The bottle is made of durable, high-quality material and is easy to clean. It is also designed to be easy to carry as it is lightweight and has a convenient wrist strap.

So if you want a practical and stylish way to store water and treats when you and your dog are on the go, the B&B Luxury 3in1 water bottle is the perfect choice. It is functional, practical and designed to meet all your and your dog's needs when you are on the go.

The bottle can contain 350 ml of water and 150 ml of food/treats.
Size approx. height 28, width 7 cm

199,00 DKK

Vets Best Dental Breath Freshener, Fresh Breath for Dogs, ensure fresh breath for your dog, you just add the product to your dog's water bowl and you will get fresher breath from your dog, you don't need to brush teeth, to get the fresh breath .

Add a capsule full to the water bowl.

The dog does not taste it and drinks as usual!

  • Natural ingredients
  • Ensure fresh breath
  • Add to drinking water
65,00 DKK
79,00 DKK
You save: 14,00 DKK
Trixie ceramic feeding bowl Slow Feeding 0.45 liter - ø 14 cm gray and blue

This food bowl is for you who would like a delicious and stylish Slow Feeding bowl for your dog.

109,00 DKK
Trixie ceramic feeding bowl Slow Feeding 0.9 liter - ø 17 cm gray and blue

This food bowl is for you who would like a delicious and stylish Slow Feeding bowl for your dog.

149,00 DKK

Ceramic bowl grey, is a nice and neutral ceramic bowl for food or water.

The bowl is gray and light gray on the inside.

Size: 0.6 L

59,00 DKK

Ceramic bowl grey, is a nice and neutral ceramic bowl for food or water.

The bowl is gray and light gray on the inside.

Size: 0.25 L

49,00 DKK
50% Off
(More colors)

OH Bowl® - The world's first Oral Health Bowl for dogs. Daily pet dental care that fits into your life!

Did you know that 80% of the bacteria in your pet's mouth is not on the teeth? So cleaning your dog's tongue helps reduce disease-causing bacteria, leading to healthier teeth and gums and fresher breath.

The Oral Health Bowl is a veterinary-developed product designed to encourage your pet to lick over the raised rubber pads to help clean bacteria from the tongue at the end of a meal.

Specially designed with comfortable raised tapered rubber pads to help clean bacteria from the tongue, the OH Bowl® can provide the following benefits for your pet:

1. Remove odor-causing bacteria that fight bad breath.

2. Remove disease-causing bacteria, leading to healthier teeth and gums.

3. Stimulating the tongue to increase saliva production, which in turn helps improve gum and tooth health.

To encourage extra licking, by getting more food to stick to the tongue cleaning zone, try adding a few drops of water or tasty liquid to the bowl before you put the food in.

Create an extra activity by spreading a tasty soft treat over the gummy dabs, e.g. yogurt, soft meat, fish, milk. Increased licking promotes the release of endorphins, which relax and satisfy pets.


92,50 DKK
185,00 DKK
You save: 92,50 DKK
50% Off
(More colors)

OH Bowl® - The world's first Oral Health Bowl for dogs. Daily pet dental care that fits into your life!

Did you know that 80% of the bacteria in your pet's mouth is not on the teeth? So cleaning your dog's tongue helps reduce disease-causing bacteria, leading to healthier teeth and gums and fresher breath.

The Oral Health Bowl is a veterinary-developed product designed to encourage your pet to lick over the raised rubber pads to help clean bacteria from the tongue at the end of a meal.

Specially designed with comfortable raised tapered rubber pads to help clean bacteria from the tongue, the OH Bowl® can provide the following benefits for your pet:

1. Remove odor-causing bacteria that fight bad breath.

2. Remove disease-causing bacteria, leading to healthier teeth and gums.

3. Stimulating the tongue to increase saliva production, which in turn helps improve gum and tooth health.

To encourage extra licking, by getting more food to stick to the tongue cleaning zone, try adding a few drops of water or tasty liquid to the bowl before you put the food in.

Create an extra activity by spreading a tasty soft treat over the gummy dabs, e.g. yogurt, soft meat, fish, milk. Increased licking promotes the release of endorphins, which relax and satisfy pets.


79,50 DKK
159,00 DKK
You save: 79,50 DKK
50% Off
(More colors)

OH Bowl® - The world's first Oral Health Bowl for dogs. Daily pet dental care that fits into your life!

Did you know that 80% of the bacteria in your pet's mouth is not on the teeth? So cleaning your dog's tongue helps reduce disease-causing bacteria, leading to healthier teeth and gums and fresher breath.

The Oral Health Bowl is a veterinary-developed product designed to encourage your pet to lick over the raised rubber pads to help clean bacteria from the tongue at the end of a meal.

Specially designed with comfortable raised tapered rubber pads to help clean bacteria from the tongue, the OH Bowl® can provide the following benefits for your pet:

1. Remove odor-causing bacteria that fight bad breath.

2. Remove disease-causing bacteria, leading to healthier teeth and gums.

3. Stimulating the tongue to increase saliva production, which in turn helps improve gum and tooth health.

To encourage extra licking, by getting more food to stick to the tongue cleaning zone, try adding a few drops of water or tasty liquid to the bowl before you put the food in.

Create an extra activity by spreading a tasty soft treat over the gummy dabs, e.g. yogurt, soft meat, fish, milk. Increased licking promotes the release of endorphins, which relax and satisfy pets.


67,50 DKK
135,00 DKK
You save: 67,50 DKK
1 stk. tilbage på lager!

Your dog loves to spend time in the kitchen and keeps looking for snacks in his food bowl.
If feeding time is your dog's favorite time of day, this can turn into a mess if you're not careful with what kind of food bowl you use. Let your dog eat in style with the BAMBOO bowls from District 70. These BAMBOO dog bowls are designed to be functional, durable and attractive.

All BAMBOO products contain 60% bamboo fibres.
The rest of the material is supplemented with PP (polypropylene, 100% safe plastic) to make it firm and robust.
And silicone (because of the non-slip base).

135,00 DKK

As you know, pets can do worse shit!
The trendy feed mat SERVE, helps to reduce dinner messes and keeps your floor clean from waste of feed.

199,00 DKK
299,00 DKK
You save: 100,00 DKK

Mælson Dry Box 7.5 kg for dry food is among the best on the market. Practical for households that need to store dry food for dogs or cats. The box is airtight and ensures that the dry food stays fresh and dry.

Dry Box is a product that is not only beautiful, but also well thought out. It is made of robust and unbreakable material, which is also incredibly light. Although it is filled up, it is easy to carry. Thanks to a special seal in the lid of Dry Box 7.5kg/15kg/20kg, the boxes are airtight. In addition to keeping the food fresh and full of nutrients, it prevents pests from getting into the feed.
Under the lid, there is a holder for the included measuring spoon (350 ml), which makes it easy to dose dog food or cat food.

Mælson Dry Box 7.5 kg

Dimensions (L x W x H): 41 x 25 x 33 cm

Weight: 1.1 kg

Can contain up to 7.5 kg of dry food

186,75 DKK
249,00 DKK
You save: 62,25 DKK

Mælson Dry Box for dry food is among the best on the market. Practical for households that need to store dry food for dogs or cats. The box is airtight and ensures that the dry food stays fresh and dry. Dry Box is a product that is not only beautiful, but also well thought out.

It is made of robust and unbreakable material, which is also incredibly light. Although it is filled up, it is easy to carry. Thanks to the specially made lid, the Dry Box is airtight. In addition to keeping the food fresh and full of nutrients, it prevents pests from getting into the feed.

Mælson Dry Box 3.5 kg

Dimensions (L x W x H): 27 x 22 x 31 cm

Weight: 0.5 kg

Can contain up to 3.5 kg of dry food

149,25 DKK
199,00 DKK
You save: 49,75 DKK

The water bottle from Pawise is good to have with you on hot days.

The bowl is simply opened so the dog can drink from it.

500 ml

39,00 DKK
49,00 DKK
You save: 10,00 DKK

Ideal for the trip with your dog, easy to take with you on the trip. Supplied individually, either in the color blue or black.

The lid, which is screwed on and off, works well as a drinking bowl and is made of plastic.
In addition, a hook is attached so that the bottle can hang on the belt or on the rucksack.

119,00 DKK
135,00 DKK
You save: 16,00 DKK
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