If you want a puppy, look here!

If you are about to get a puppy, or if the little lump of fur has already moved in, then we would like to wish you the best of luck! Apart from puppies being some of the cutest, they require a lot, and this comes with a lot of equipment. Therefore, you can find toys, food, dog bags, care products, car baskets and much more in this category, which ensures that you can give your puppy the best start in life

Practical pee pad for the puppy.

Stop getting pee on carpets and floors.

These pee mats are perfect for puppy training, for the bottom of the dog bag, in the dog bed, in the carrier, for the puppy toilet or they can be used by themselves.

Put the substrate in a certain place and teach your dog to pee there. Your dog will grow up without all the annoying and annoying accidents.

The pads have a sealed edge which prevents moisture from escaping.

It is made from natural cellulose.

The urinal mat measures 40x60 cm

25,00 DKK

Anti Chew Dajak 120 ml er en effektiv løsning til at forhindre uønsket tyggeadfærd hos hunde. Denne spray er specielt udviklet til at afskrække hunde fra at tygge på møbler, sko, ledninger og andre genstande, som de ikke bør bide i.

Med en bitter smag, der er ubehagelig for hunde, men ufarlig, hjælper Anti Chew Dajak med at beskytte dine ejendele samtidig med at opretholde din hunds sikkerhed. Produktet er let at anvende – spray blot på de områder, du ønsker at beskytte, og lad det tørre.

Anti Chew Dajak er fremstillet af sikre, ikke-giftige ingredienser og kan bruges både indendørs og udendørs. Med en praktisk størrelse på 120 ml er den nem at have med på farten, så du altid kan beskytte dine ejendele mod uønsket tygning.

Vælg Anti Chew Dajak 120 ml som en effektiv og sikker løsning til at træne din hund til at undgå destruktiv adfærd.

49,00 DKK

Delicious Hapki Grow cubes with chicken from the brand Flamingo.
Made especially for dogs from 4 months and older

No added sugar

20,00 DKK
29,00 DKK
You save: 9,00 DKK

Delicious Hapki Grow rolls with chicken from the brand Flamingo.
Made especially for dogs from 4 months and older

No added sugar

20,00 DKK
29,00 DKK
You save: 9,00 DKK

Med fire roterende lag bliver DogTornado din nye favorit! Sjov aktivering, der styrker båndet mellem dig og din hund og giver din hund en udfordring. Aktiveringsspil og puslespil er fremragende til at lære din hund hverdagslydighed på en enkel og sjov måde. Nina Ottosson interaktive hundespil passer til alle hunde uanset alder, størrelse eller race. Nina Ottosson Dog Tornado er en smart og sjov feeder og aktiveringslegetøj. Med 12 rum har du plads til godbidder eller et helt måltid. Den er lige så velegnet til tørfoder, vådfoder eller friskfoder. Hvert lag af Nina Ottosson Dog Tornado roterer, mens din hund leder efter de lækkerier, der er gemt indeni. Den roterende bevægelse engagerer hunden og giver en sjov udfordring.

Sværhedsgrad 2: Dette spil er lidt mere udfordrende end niveau 1, med problemløsning i flere trin, der kan tilpasses din hunds evner og erfaring. Læg godbidder eller mad i de forskellige rum. Dæk nogle af rummene med de benformede klodser. Jo flere klodser, jo sværere bliver det. Lad spillet begynde! Vis hunden, hvordan spillet fungerer, og opmuntre den til at søge efter godbidderne. Hunde er klogere, end man tror – de skal bare lære, hvordan de skal gøre! I starten kan man lade godbidderne være synlige i nogle af rummene, så hunden forstår, hvad spillet går ud på. Bland lidt kødholdigt hundemad eller råfoder med vand, klik lidt i hver fordybning, eller læg et stykke pølse/godbid i hvert rum og hæld lidt vand over. Sæt spillet i fryseren, indtil det er frosset. Perfekt til energiske hunde, varmt vejr eller til en ekstra lang spilletid.

Nina Ottosson Dog Puzzle Games går et skridt videre end almindeligt legetøj – de er hjernetræning for din hund. Lad ikke hunden være alene, og lad ikke hunden tygge eller bide i dem. Lær hunden at bruge spillene – spil og hav det sjovt sammen! Læg dem væk indtil næste gang. Rengør med varmt rindende vand og mild opvaskemiddel, skyl grundigt. Fyld op igen for mere sjov!

215,00 DKK

En foldbar drikkeflaske til hunde er det ideelle tilbehør for den aktive hundeejer, der elsker at tage sin hund med på eventyr. Vores foldbare drikkeflaske er let, kompakt og nem at transportere, hvilket gør den perfekt til vandreture, rejser og daglige gåture. Flasken er fremstillet af holdbare og sikre materialer, der sikrer, at vandet forbliver rent og friskt. Med dens smarte foldbare design kan flasken nemt opbevares i en taske eller rygsæk, når den ikke er i brug. Den integrerede skål gør det hurtigt og nemt for din hund at drikke, mens den lækagesikre lukning forhindrer spild. Gør hydreringsoplevelsen praktisk og problemfri med vores foldbare drikkeflaske til hunde, og hold din firbenede ven sund og glad på farten.

129,00 DKK

DogsLife First Aid Kit for dogs - Accidents can happen. With this handy first aid kit for dogs, you can stay prepared with everything you need to treat any kind of scratch.

The set consists of an orange waterproof bag with 40 parts designed to treat most injuries after common accidents that can occur in everyday life. The bag can be used both at home and is also easy to take with you on trips.

The set consists of, among other things of dressing, gauze bandage, elastic tourniquet, garbage bags, disposable gloves, CPR mask, scissors, micropore tape, aluminum pin, tick pliers, whistle, cotton swabs, carabiner etc.

279,00 DKK

This lick mat from Nordic Paws is made of silicone and can occupy your pet e.g. when you are out shopping, it must have clipped claws or in stressful situations.

Dimensions: 20 x 20 cm

49,00 DKK

This lick mat from Nordic Paws is made of silicone and can occupy your pet e.g. when you are out shopping, it must have clipped claws or in stressful situations.

Dimensions: 20 x 20 cm

49,00 DKK

Super soft and delicious dog blanket that your dog is guaranteed to love!


59,00 DKK
  • The rug is made of 100% polyester, which is soft and warm, and dries very quickly.
  • Wash at 40 degrees.
  • Ideal in food boxes, dog beds, transport boxes etc
  • The Vet bed provides a warm, dry and delicious surface wherever the dog stays.
  • Length: 100 cm
  • Width: 75 cm
189,00 DKK
249,00 DKK
You save: 60,00 DKK

Puppy KONG Goodie Bone holder hvalpen aktiv. De specielle "Goodie Grippers" kan fyldes med godbidder, som hvalpen elsker at fiske ud.

Produceret i det specielle KONG Teething Rubber Formula naturgummi, som er udviklet til hvalpe, er legetøjet meget holdbart og samtidig sikkert for mund og tænder. Leveres i ass. ensfarvet lyserød og lyseblå.

79,00 DKK

Companion Spray "Clean Again" er en effektiv og bekvem løsning til at neutralisere og fjerne uønskede lugte fra dit kæledyrs urin. Den lækre lavendelduft giver en frisk og behagelig atmosfære i hjemmet. Denne spray er velegnet til brug på overflader, der kan være udsat for pletter og lugte fra dit kæledyrs urin. "Clean Again" gør det let at opretholde et rent og velduftende hjem, samtidig med at den hjælper med at forhindre gentagne markeringer fra kæledyret. Ideel til brug inden for hjemmet og i kæledyrsområder.

500 ml

60,00 DKK

KONG Stuff'N with Peanut Butter is a vitamin-rich paste without trans fatty acids.

It is specially developed for KONG toys, and the dogs love it.

Delivered in the special KONG Stuff'N tins, which are both practical and easy to use, so you avoid greasy fingers.

Contains 226 g.

76,00 DKK
95,00 DKK
You save: 19,00 DKK

Er dit nye familiemedlem en følsom hundehvalp? Prøv kornfri hvalpe mad med fersk lam og delikat and. Sammensat for at give din hund al den næring den har brug for, men i en ekstra skånsom opskrift, som sikrer at maven fungerer. Og derudover også kan hjælpe med både læring og vækst. Vi tror, at god mad rent faktisk kan gøre en forskel. Både for dig og din hundehvalp.

100 % kornfrit alternativ. Fordi mange hunde har det godt med det. Og fordi mange ejere spørger efter det.


Ernæring af høj kvalitet, der udelukkende forhandles af dyreforretninger. Vi sætter pris på deres viden og udvalg af kvalitetsprodukter. Det er noget vi ønsker også skal findes i kommende generationer (ligesom Monster).

Protein af høj kvalitet og en kilde til protein, som mange kæledyr kan tolerere.

Frisk lam (25 %), tørret andeprotein (14 %), hele ærter, kartoffelflager, søde kartofler, tørret helæg (5,2 %), sildemel (4,4 %), hydrolyseret lammeprotein (4 %), spæk (3,8 %), tørret sukkerroer, tørret ølgær, tørret æble, fiskeolie (0,56 %), hørfrø, tørret gulerod, tørret cikorie rod (en naturlig kilde til inulin og fructooligosaccharider), natriumhexametaphosphat (0,34 % *), krillmel (0,25 %), mannanoligosaccharider (0,15 %), tørret broccoli, tørret spinat, tørrede tranebær, tørrede blåbær, tørret spirulina, glucosamin (100 mg/kg), chondroitinsulfat (100 mg/kg), planteekstrakter (yucca schidigera, valmue, rosmarin, labrusjuice, gurkemeje, citrus, eugenia). * mineral til reducering af tandsten.

Tilsætningsstoffer: Vitaminer: Vitamin A 15000 IU, Vitamin D3 1500 IU, Vitamin E 101 mg. Aminosyrer: Taurin 1000 mg. Sporstoffer: Jern (jern(II)sulfatmonohydrat) 50 mg, kobber (kobber(II)sulfatpentahydrat) 10 mg, zink (zink(II)sulfatmonohydrat) 62,5 mg, mangan (mangan(II)sulfatmonohydrat) 10 mg, jod (calciumjodat) 1,5 mg, selen (natriumselenit) 0,20 mg. Bindemidler: E558, bentonit-montmorillonit 1000 mg, E562, sepiolite 350 mg. Stabiliseringsmiddel for tarmfloraen: Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 10^9 cfu. Antioxidanter: (Naturlig) Tocopherol-ekstrakt fra vegetabilsk olie.

Råprotein: 28 %
Fedtindhold : 17 %
Råaske : 7,9 %
Råfiber : 3,1 %
Calcium: 1,3 %
Fosfor: 1 %
Omega-6-fedtsyrer: 2,1 %
Omega-3-fedtsyrer: 0,58 %
DHA 0,18 %
EPA: 0,16 %
Vand: 9 %.


Hver hund er unik, og de faktiske krav afhænger derfor af din hunds alder og aktivitetsniveau. Foder to gange dagligt og sørg altid for frisk drikkevand.

709,00 DKK
FREE shipping!

Er dit nye familiemedlem en følsom hundehvalp? Prøv kornfri hvalpe mad med fersk lam og delikat and. Sammensat for at give din hund al den næring den har brug for, men i en ekstra skånsom opskrift, som sikrer at maven fungerer. Og derudover også kan hjælpe med både læring og vækst. Vi tror, at god mad rent faktisk kan gøre en forskel. Både for dig og din hundehvalp.

100 % kornfrit alternativ. Fordi mange hunde har det godt med det. Og fordi mange ejere spørger efter det.

Ernæring af høj kvalitet, der udelukkende forhandles af dyreforretninger. Vi sætter pris på deres viden og udvalg af kvalitetsprodukter. Det er noget vi ønsker også skal findes i kommende generationer (ligesom Monster).

Protein af høj kvalitet og en kilde til protein, som mange kæledyr kan tolerere.

Frisk lam (25 %), tørret andeprotein (14 %), hele ærter, kartoffelflager, søde kartofler, tørret helæg (5,2 %), sildemel (4,4 %), hydrolyseret lammeprotein (4 %), spæk (3,8 %), tørret sukkerroer, tørret ølgær, tørret æble, fiskeolie (0,56 %), hørfrø, tørret gulerod, tørret cikorie rod (en naturlig kilde til inulin og fructooligosaccharider), natriumhexametaphosphat (0,34 % *), krillmel (0,25 %), mannanoligosaccharider (0,15 %), tørret broccoli, tørret spinat, tørrede tranebær, tørrede blåbær, tørret spirulina, glucosamin (100 mg/kg), chondroitinsulfat (100 mg/kg), planteekstrakter (yucca schidigera, valmue, rosmarin, labrusjuice, gurkemeje, citrus, eugenia). * mineral til reducering af tandsten.

Tilsætningsstoffer: Vitaminer: Vitamin A 15000 IU, Vitamin D3 1500 IU, Vitamin E 101 mg. Aminosyrer: Taurin 1000 mg. Sporstoffer: Jern (jern(II)sulfatmonohydrat) 50 mg, kobber (kobber(II)sulfatpentahydrat) 10 mg, zink (zink(II)sulfatmonohydrat) 62,5 mg, mangan (mangan(II)sulfatmonohydrat) 10 mg, jod (calciumjodat) 1,5 mg, selen (natriumselenit) 0,20 mg. Bindemidler: E558, bentonit-montmorillonit 1000 mg, E562, sepiolite 350 mg. Stabiliseringsmiddel for tarmfloraen: Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 10^9 cfu. Antioxidanter: (Naturlig) Tocopherol-ekstrakt fra vegetabilsk olie.

Råprotein: 28 %
Fedtindhold : 17 %
Råaske : 7,9 %
Råfiber : 3,1 %
Calcium: 1,3 %
Fosfor: 1 %
Omega-6-fedtsyrer: 2,1 %
Omega-3-fedtsyrer: 0,58 %
DHA 0,18 %
EPA: 0,16 %
Vand: 9 %.

Hver hund er unik, og de faktiske krav afhænger derfor af din hunds alder og aktivitetsniveau. Foder to gange dagligt og sørg altid for frisk drikkevand.

208,00 DKK

AFP PUPS-hvalpehundelegetøjet er skabt specielt til at imødekomme de legende behov hos din lille hvalp. Dette nuttede og farverige legetøj er designet med tanke på sjov og udvikling.

Legetøjet har en blød tekstur og er lavet i den perfekte størrelse til små hvalpekæber. Det kan fungere som en tyggelegetøj, hvilket er ideelt for hvalpe i tandfase. Det er også udstyret med indbyggede squeakers (pip-lyde), der vækker nysgerrighed og tilføjer ekstra legende elementer til din hvalps oplevelse.

45,00 DKK
69,00 DKK
You save: 24,00 DKK

Junior sporlinen er perfekt til at træne indkald med hvalp. 

  • letvægtsversion
  • reflekterende dele
  • med håndløkke
  • med ekstra lille udløserkrog til meget små hunde 
  • ideel til hvalpe og meget små hunde 
  • Størrelse: XXS-XS: 4 m/ø 4 mm
75,00 DKK

Junior sporlinen er perfekt til at træne indkald med hvalp. 

  • letvægtsversion
  • reflekterende dele
  • med håndløkke
  • med ekstra lille udløserkrog til meget små hunde 
  • ideel til hvalpe og meget små hunde 
  • Størrelse: XXS-XS: 8 m/ø 4 mm
95,00 DKK

Junior sporlinen er perfekt til at træne indkald med hvalp. 

  • letvægtsversion
  • reflekterende dele
  • med håndløkke
  • med ekstra lille udløserkrog til meget små hunde 
  • ideel til hvalpe og meget små hunde 
  • Størrelse: XXS-XS: 8 m/ø 4 mm
95,00 DKK

Junior sporlinen er perfekt til at træne indkald med hvalp. 

  • letvægtsversion
  • reflekterende dele
  • med håndløkke
  • med ekstra lille udløserkrog til meget små hunde 
  • ideel til hvalpe og meget små hunde 
  • Størrelse: XXS-XS: 4 m/ø 4 mm
75,00 DKK

Sød rebbold med håndtag i dæmpede farver fra Trixie Junior serien - bolden er lavet af bomuldsreb, og er perfekt legetøj til både hvalpe samt hunde i alle aldre.

Størrelse : 25 cm

29,00 DKK

Order a surprise for your best friend!

Choose an amount you want the gift to be worth.

Then we pack a delicious birthday present for your dog with quality snacks, treats and toys within your budget.

We generally only choose grain-free treats and natural snacks for the package.

At a high value, other exciting and delicious products may appear! (500,-) and above.

Toys are only included in gifts over NOK 200

Write a comment with any allergens so we can steer in the right direction :-)


Write the dog's name in the comment field when you check out, as well as large or small dog


We would greatly appreciate it if you took a photo or video when you receive the gift.

You can easily tag us on Facebook & Instagram @petshopdanmark.dk #petshopdanmark

Price from
80,00 DKK
100,00 DKK
You save: 20,00 DKK
  • The rug is made of 100% polyester, which is soft and warm, and dries very quickly.
  • Wash at 40 degrees.
  • Ideal in food boxes, dog beds, transport boxes etc
  • The Vet bed provides a warm, dry and delicious surface wherever the dog stays.
  • Length: 100 cm
  • Width: 75 cm
189,00 DKK
249,00 DKK
You save: 60,00 DKK
  • The rug is made of 100% polyester, which is soft and warm, and dries very quickly.
  • Wash at 40 degrees.
  • Ideal in food boxes, dog beds, transport boxes etc
  • The Vet bed provides a warm, dry and delicious surface wherever the dog stays.
  • Length: 100 cm
  • Width: 75 cm
189,00 DKK
249,00 DKK
You save: 60,00 DKK
  • The rug is made of 100% polyester, which is soft and warm, and dries very quickly.
  • Wash at 40 degrees.
  • Ideal in food boxes, dog beds, transport boxes etc
  • The Vet bed provides a warm, dry and delicious surface wherever the dog stays.
  • Length: 100 cm
  • Width: 75 cm
189,00 DKK
249,00 DKK
You save: 60,00 DKK

Vets Best Dental care set for puppies - Healthy oral hygiene from the start

Introducing Vets Best Puppy Dental Care Kit, the perfect kit to care for your puppy's teeth and gums. Good oral hygiene is important for the dog's general health and well-being, and with this dental care set you can give your puppy the best possible start to his dental care routine.

The kit contains everything you need to take care of your puppy's teeth at home. The finger toothbrush specially designed for small puppies that gently cleans the teeth and massages the gums without causing discomfort.

The accompanying toothpaste is specially formulated for puppies and contains ingredients that promote healthy oral hygiene. The mild taste and smell of the toothpaste makes it more appealing to your puppy and helps make brushing a positive experience. The toothpaste helps to reduce plaque, prevent tartar and maintain fresh breath.

Vets Best Dental care kit for puppies is easy to use and creates a routine that is important for your puppy's dental care. Regular brushing helps remove plaque and bacteria that can lead to dental problems such as tartar, tooth decay and gum disease. By starting dental care early, you can give your puppy healthy teeth and gums, and at the same time create good habits that will last a lifetime.

Give your puppy the best start to healthy oral hygiene with the Vets Best Dental care set for puppies. With this set you can take care of your puppy's teeth and gums in an easy and effective way. Involve your puppy in the dental care routine from a young age and create a positive and caring experience. Your puppy's smile will shine, and you can rest assured that you have contributed to their health and well-being.

109,00 DKK
129,00 DKK
You save: 20,00 DKK

Trixie Junior slacker bear

Colour: Multi/patterned
Size: 28 cm

59,00 DKK

Trixie Junior sloppy bunny

Size: 28 cm

65,00 DKK

Introducing the Trixie Junior Snuggler in Plush - the ultimate soft and cozy sleeping partner for your little puppy or young dog!

This lovable snuggler is specially designed to offer maximum comfort and security to your pup. It is made of soft and luxurious plush that is pleasant to the touch and gentle on your dog's sensitive skin. The hug part of the Snuggler is filled with soft and padded material that provides a comfortable surface for your puppy to rest and sleep on.

The Trixie Junior Snuggler in Plush has a unique shape that hugs your puppy and provides a feeling of protection and security. It is perfect for alleviating separation and anxiety as it simulates the feeling of being with its mother or pack. Your pup will love to snuggle up in the snuggle and feel safe and relaxed.

This snuggler is not only for sleeping in, it is also a great companion for play and fun. Your puppy can take it with him around the house or have it as his constant companion during pleasant moments. The soft plush and comfortable padding also make it suitable for hugs and love.

Trixie Junior Snuggler in Plush is designed with safety in mind. It is free of small parts that can be swallowed and is made of non-toxic materials. You can have complete confidence that your pup can play and rest on this snuggler without worry.

The snuggler is suitable for small dogs and puppies. It is easy to handle and carry around, which makes it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. You can also take it with you on trips or overnight stays to give your puppy a safe and familiar element in new surroundings.

Pamper your pup with the Trixie Junior Snuggler in Plush and watch her fall asleep with a smile. Let her relax, rest and play with this soft and cozy sleeping partner that will add extra comfort and joy to her everyday life. Order now and make your puppy's dreams sweet and pleasant!

Size: 30x30 cm

Comes in assorted colors.

69,00 DKK

Suitable for small breeds!

Introducing Trixie Junior Bear with Teether - the perfect toy for your energetic puppy or young dog that combines fun plush and a practical teether!

This charming and soft bear is designed to give your puppy an exciting play experience. It is made of soft plush that is pleasant to the touch and gentle on your dog's sensitive skin. The cute appearance and plush part of the bear will immediately attract your puppy's attention and awaken her playful side.

Trixie Junior Bear also has a bite ring attached to the bear's body. The teether is made of durable and chew-friendly material that helps soothe your puppy's gums during the teething process. This combination of plush and teether allows your puppy to explore and satisfy both his need to chew and his playful side.

This toy is also interactive and encourages play and training with your puppy. You can throw the bear and let your pup retrieve it, which helps build the bond between you and stimulates her natural hunting instincts.

Trixie Junior Bear with Bidet Ring is designed with safety in mind. It is free of small parts that can be swallowed and is made of non-toxic materials. You can have full confidence that your puppy can play and chew on this toy without worry.

This cute bear is suitable for small dogs and puppies. It is easy to grip and carry around, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor play. It can also be a comforting sleeping partner for your puppy when she needs extra security and comfort.

Treat your puppy to Trixie Junior Bjørn with Bidering and watch her light up with joy and excitement. Let her hug, chew and play with this versatile and fun plush and teether combination that will satisfy her natural instincts and keep her entertained for hours. Order now and experience a world of play and pleasure!

Size: 23 cm

59,00 DKK

Introducing Trixie Junior Rabbit with Plush & Teether - the ultimate toy for your small puppy or young dog, combining soft plush and a practical teether!

This cute and colorful rabbit is designed to give your puppy a fantastic play experience. It is made of soft plush that is pleasant to the touch and gentle on your dog's sensitive skin. The rabbit's plush part is perfect for cuddling and love, and its cute appearance will immediately catch your pup's attention.

Trixie Junior Rabbit also has a bite ring attached to the rabbit's body. The teether is made of durable and chew-friendly material that helps soothe your pup's gums as they get their permanent teeth. This combination of plush and teether allows your puppy to explore and satisfy both his need to chew and his playful side.

This toy is also interactive and encourages play and training with your puppy. You can throw the rabbit and let your puppy retrieve it, which helps build the bond between you and stimulates her natural hunting instincts.

Trixie Junior Rabbit with Plush & Bidet is designed with safety in mind. It is free of small parts that can be swallowed and is made of non-toxic materials. You can have full confidence that your puppy can play and chew on this toy without worry.

This cute rabbit is suitable for small dogs and puppies. It is easy to grip and carry around, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor play. It can also be a comforting sleeping partner for your puppy when it needs extra security and comfort.

Pamper your puppy with the Trixie Junior Rabbit with Plush & Beading and watch her beam with joy and excitement. Let her hug, chew and play with this versatile and fun plush and teether combination that will satisfy her natural instincts and keep her entertained for hours. Order now and experience a world of play and pleasure!

Size: 14 cm

75,00 DKK

Introducing Trixie Junior Plush Fox - the perfect playmate and cuddle buddy for your little puppy or young dog!

This cute and soft plush fox is specially designed to meet the needs of your puppy. It is made from high quality, durable plush that is gentle on your dog's sensitive skin and teeth. The soft texture and padding make it perfect for both play and napping.

Trixie Junior Plush Fox is not only a huggable friend, it is also a great toy to stimulate your dog's natural hunting instincts and active play. It's shaped like a cute fox with embroidered details and has a built-in beeping sound that will pique your pup's interest and add an extra fun dimension to play.

Trixie Junior Plush Fox is the perfect size for small dogs and puppies. It is easy to handle and carry around, which makes it ideal for both indoor and outdoor play. It can also be a comforting sleeping partner for your puppy when it needs extra security and comfort.

Pamper your puppy with the Trixie Junior Plush Fox and watch it light up with joy and excitement. Let it hug and play with this soft and fun cuddly friend that will bring many hours of fun and enjoyment. Order now and let the fun begin!

Approx. 15 cm

75,00 DKK

Introducing Trixie Junior Dog with Rope - the ultimate combination of fun toys and durable rope that will entertain and satisfy your little dog's need to chew and play!

This cute and colorful dog is specially designed to meet the needs of your puppy or young dog. It is made of durable and hard-wearing rope that is gentle on your dog's teeth and gums. The texture of the rope is perfect to help clean the teeth and massage the gums while offering a satisfying chewing experience.

Trixie Junior Dog with Rope is not only a toy, it is also a great way for your dog to develop his jaw muscles and strengthen his chewing strength. It's shaped like a cute dog with soft fabric details and has a fun beeping sound inside that adds extra excitement and incentive to play.

This toy is also interactive, making it perfect for playing and training with your puppy. You can throw it and let your dog retrieve it, which helps build the bond between you and stimulates her natural hunting instincts.

Trixie Junior Dog with Rope is designed with safety in mind. It is made of non-toxic materials and is free of small parts that can be swallowed. You can have full confidence that your puppy can play and chew on this toy without worry.

This cute dog with a rope is suitable for small dogs and puppies. It is easy to grip and carry around, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor play. The length of the rope allows for tug games, which helps develop your dog's strength and coordination.

Pamper your puppy with Trixie Junior Dog with Rope and watch her beam with joy and excitement. Let her chew, pull and play with this versatile and durable toy that will satisfy her natural instincts and keep her entertained for hours. Order now and watch your dog jump for joy!

59,00 DKK

Introducing Trixie Junior Plush Bear - the perfect cuddle buddy and playmate for your little furry family member!

This cute and soft teddy bear is specially designed to meet the needs of puppies and young dogs. It is made from high quality, durable plush that is gentle on your dog's sensitive skin and teeth. The soft texture and comfortable padding make it perfect for both play and naps.

The Trixie Junior Teddy Bear is not only an irresistible cuddly friend, it is also a great way for your dog to develop and strengthen his instincts and motor skills. It is easy to grab and carry around, helping to stimulate your dog's hunting and prey instincts.

This plush bear also has a built-in beeping sound that adds an extra fun and exciting dimension to play. The sound will arouse your dog's curiosity and interest, making playtime even more engaging and entertaining.

Trixie Junior Teddy Bear is designed to be safe for your pet. It is free of small parts that can be swallowed and is made of non-toxic materials. You can feel free to let your puppy or young dog play and explore with this plush bear without worry.

This cute bear is the perfect size for small dogs and puppies. It is easy to handle and carry around, which makes it ideal for both indoor and outdoor play. It can also be a comforting sleeping partner for your puppy when it needs extra security and comfort.

Treat your dog to the Trixie Junior Teddy Bear and watch it light up with joy and excitement. Let it hug and play with this soft and fun cuddly friend that will bring many hours of fun and pleasure. Order now and let the fun begin!

75,00 DKK

Introducing Trixie Junior Plush Bear - the perfect cuddle buddy and playmate for your little furry family member!

This cute and soft teddy bear is specially designed to meet the needs of puppies and young dogs. It is made of plush that is gentle on your dog's sensitive skin and teeth. The soft texture and comfortable padding make it perfect for both play and naps.

The Trixie Junior Teddy Bear is not only an irresistible cuddly friend, it is also a great way for your dog to develop and strengthen his instincts and motor skills. It is easy to grab and carry around, helping to stimulate your dog's hunting and prey instincts.

85,00 DKK

Introducing Nina Ottosson - Puppy Lickin Layers, the ultimate interactive game to stimulate your dog's intelligence and enrich his everyday life in a fun and challenging way!

With Puppy Lickin Layers you can give your dog the mental stimulation it deserves. This intelligent game is designed to keep your dog entertained and engaged while building his problem-solving skills.

This game is not only an entertaining activity, it also has many benefits for your dog's well-being. It helps reduce boredom and destructive behavior by channeling excess energy into positive and focused action. It also strengthens the bond between you and your dog, as you can play and cooperate together.

Nina Ottosson - Puppy Lickin Layers is suitable for dogs of all sizes and breeds.

Invest in your dog's well-being and fun with Nina Ottosson - Puppy Lickin Layers. Give your dog the mental stimulation it deserves and watch it flourish with joy and contentment. Order now and experience the amazing bond that can be formed between you and your four-legged friend through this exciting interactive game!

169,00 DKK

Kovaline No Bite is a spray that contains a bitter substance that makes it taste bad and therefore does not invite biting/gnawing where the product is applied.

Can be used anywhere where you want to prevent animals from biting, licking and gnawing on things, e.g.:

Dogs that bite unwanted things such as door frames, furniture and the like.

Horses that bite blankets, bandages, furniture etc

Also effective against insects. Many insects have no sense of smell, but "taste" with their feet, and are therefore not happy to land on something that tastes bad.

Denatonium benzoate is the most bitter chemical compound known, with bitterness thresholds of 0.05 ppm. Also known as Bitrex®

For decades, the substance has been used in and on various products where consumption has been sought to be avoided. Eg. to avoid children and animals eating or licking poisonous or inedible things.

Contains no poison and is not dangerous if ingested. It just tastes bad as hell.

The product also contains citric acid, which is an organic acid that i.a. occurs naturally in the juice of lemons, berries and other fruits, and which insects do not like.

Instructions for use:

Shake thoroughly before use.

Spray on the place you want to protect.

The product is invisible and does not stain, but when spraying on furniture, textiles, etc., we recommend that you test in a hidden place.


Water, denatonium benzoate, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, citric acid.

500 ml. spray bottle.

129,00 DKK
165,00 DKK
You save: 36,00 DKK
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