B&B Frostfri - Vinterspray til forebyggelse af sneklumper i pelsen.

Beskyttelse til din hunds pels hele vinteren.
Denne specielle spray er designet til at beskytte din hunds pels mod sne og frost, så den forbliver fri for isklumper og forhindrer, at pelsen bliver statisk. Den skaber en usynlig blød barriere, der hjælper med at forhindre, at sne sætter sig fast, samtidig med at den beskytter mod kulde og tørhed, der kan skade pelsen.

Brugsanvisning: Sprøjt et jævnt lag på hundens tørre pels, især på de områder, der er mest udsatte for sne og kulde.
Skal ikke skylles ud.

Indhold 200 ml.

111,75 DKK
149,00 DKK
You save: 37,25 DKK

Potevoks Deluxe Spray

Potevoks Deluxe Spray er et spændende, unikt og anderledes produkt på mange måder. Med sine naturlige og aktive ingredienser, som bl.a. Ricinusolie, Aloe Vera juice, bivoks og det uundværlige lanolin, dannes der en beskyttende hinde på hundens trædepuder, som er udsat for mange belastninger. Dels på grund af stærk varme eller kulde, men også fordi hunden nemt får tørre trædepuder, som ofte kan give smertefulde revner.

Ingrediensernes unikke effekter:

  • Ricinusolie: Kendt for sine fugtgivende egenskaber, Kan være medvirkende til at bevare fugten i trædepuderne og dermed  forhindre tørhed og revner. Øger hudens fugt niveau og udglatter små revner.
  • Aloe Vera juice: Aloe Vera er berømt for sine reparerende og beroligende egenskaber. Den lindrer irriteret hud og fremmer bedring af problemet.
  • Bivoks: Bivoks danner en beskyttende barriere, der skærmer mod eksterne faktorer som varme, salt og is. Det hjælper også med at forsegle fugten, hvilket holder trædepuderne bløde.
  • Lanolin: Lanolin er en naturlig blødgører, der trænger dybt ind i huden og holder den smidig. Det beskytter mod udtørring og hjælper med at reparere og genoprette hudens naturlige balance.

De reparerende ingredienser lindrer, og er samtidigt medvirkende til at holde poterne bløde og smidige.

Nem og skånsom påføring:

En del hunde bryder sig ikke særligt meget om at få smurt deres poter. Det er vi meget opmærksomme på, og derfor har vi udviklet en spray, som er utroligt nem at påføre, uden at hunden føler ubehag.

Potevoks Deluxe Spray er den ideelle løsning til at beskytte og pleje din hunds trædepuder, så de forbliver sunde, bløde og hele under alle forhold.

Indhold 50 ml


139,00 DKK

B&B Hundefrisørens professionelle snudevoks med Cera Bellina og E-vitamin. Plejer, blødgør og reparerer.
Opbevares tillukket og ved stuetemperatur.

Komplet ufarlig for hunden at slikke på.

Cera Bellina voks, øko Ricinus olie, øko Shea Butter, lanolin, øko Kokosolie, øko Nigella frøolie, E-vitamin

109,00 DKK

Potevoks creme i tube til hundens trædepuder

Med Trixies potevoks creme ligger du et tykt beskyttende lag, på din hunds udsatte trædepuder. Cremen trænger hurtigt ind, så du hurtigt kan komme sikkert ud og gå. Det er en god idé at smøre poterne 10 minutter inden en gåtur, så det beskyttende lag kan få lov at sætte sig.

Pote cremen indeholder bivoks, så den både plejer og beskytter.

Tuben indeholder 50 ml.

29,00 DKK

Paw Solution from K9 effectively eliminates yeast, fungi, bacteria and other viruses on paws, skin, etc.

It is a highly effective solution that is more powerful than chlorhexidine.

Paw solution does not cause dryness or damage to your pet.

Contains Aloe Vera and vitamin B5.

100 ml.

149,00 DKK

Natural revitalizing balm for dry, cracked paws and dry noses. Restores the moisture balance, is softening, soothing and protective. Can also be used with advantage on other irritated and dry skin areas. Neat and dirt-free. Oil free!

Ingredients: water, shea butter, propylene glycol, lanolin acetate, cetearyl alcohol, D-panthenol (vitamin B5), hydrolyzed keratin, D-biotin, lavender, Kunzea ambigua oil, preservatives.

pH 5

119,00 DKK

The set you cannot do without!!

What do you get?

B&B Organic Paw Care is used to protect and keep the dog's paws flexible and healthy.
Counteracts dryness that can cause painful cracks that can occur due to road salt, frost or other external influences.
Penetrates quickly into the skin and is at the same time extremely emollient.

B&B Paw care is especially indispensable in winter.
Rub carefully on and between the foot pads both before and after the walk. Please wash the paws with a damp cloth before application - especially after the walk.

Not just a paw wax

In addition to a practical and targeted size, this luxurious paw wax contains many Danish beneficial ingredients that provide thorough long-lasting care and at the same time ensure that the skin can breathe.

168,00 DKK
214,00 DKK
You save: 46,00 DKK

New and effective Nature conditioner from KovaLine, developed on 100% natural ingredients. Soothes and protects the skin around the corners of the mouth. Increases the skin's elasticity and natural moisture balance. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins from e.g. Castor, Shea, Olive, Rapeseed and Sunflower. New and effective Nature conditioner from KovaLine, developed on 100% natural ingredients. Softens, soothes and protects the muzzle. Increases the skin's elasticity and natural moisture balance. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins from e.g. Castor, Shea, Olive, Rapeseed and Sunflower. Apply daily to the muzzle or as needed.

Ingredients: Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Copernicia Cerifera Cera, Cera Alba, Brassica Campestris Seed Oil,
Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Glyceryl Oleate, Olea Europaea Oil Unsaponifiables, Stearyl Stearate, Cera Microcristallina,
Tocopherol, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil

Our raw materials are carefully selected according to what we judge to be the best for you and your animal. That is why we use natural ingredients when it is the best alternative. We also have pharmaceutical pure ingredients where we know it has the best effect with minimal or no proven allergens.
In addition, some of our raw materials are organic.
Everything is produced in Denmark and all raw materials are EU approved.

Our packaging is in recyclable plastic and PVC-free. If it is sorted correctly, it can be melted down and reused for new packaging.
When the product is used, you can clean the empty packaging and recycle it at home, with a clear conscience.

These active choices about nature, the environment, efficiency, allergens and health help to ensure that you get the absolute best products for you and your animals.

What is KovaLine?

KovaLine is a Danish-produced and targeted treatment for various skin problems that we see in our pets. KovaLine is a natural alternative to antibiotics and steroids that have traditionally been used for skin problems. The products are extremely effective in healing and maintaining healthy skin.

The raw materials are carefully selected, after an assessment of what is best for you and your animal. Therefore, the products only contain natural ingredients when that is the best alternative. In addition, some of the raw materials are organic. Everything is produced in Denmark and all raw materials are EU approved.

The packaging is in recyclable plastic and PVC-free. If it is sorted correctly, it can be melted down and reused for new packaging. When the product is used, you can clean the empty packaging and recycle it at home, with a clear conscience.

These active choices about nature, the environment, efficiency, allergens and health help to ensure that you get the absolute best product for your pets.

Why use KovaLine?

KovaLine both cleans, exfoliates, cares and provides a healing effect. This combination of cleansing and healing congested skin provides an effective treatment against eczema, fungus, red paws, hot spots and dry skin. In case of severe skin diseases, the customer should always consult with their veterinarian, as some cases may require more aggressive or conventional treatments. After this, the KovaLine products will be able to finish the previous treatment, by calming and healing the skin in depth, so that it becomes resilient and resistant again.

KovaLine is NOT a medical product. The KovaLine products are exclusively for external symptom treatment. It is therefore important to ensure optimal diet and nutrition. If in doubt, contact a veterinarian / doctor.

No conflict with FEI and DTC's List of Prohibited Substances/Anti-Doping

215,00 DKK
239,00 DKK
You save: 24,00 DKK

KovaLine Universal Ointment is a unique combination of pharmaceutical pure oil and wax. KovaLine Universal is a softening ointment which is particularly suitable for clean dry areas, e.g. on scabs, dry skin and surgical scars. Wounds and scars soften and heal nicely. The KovaLine Universal ointments can have an anti-itch effect.

Can be used for: Wounds with crusts, dry skin, paws, dry muzzle, corner of the mouth/corner of the mouth ulcer, mold, hooves.

KovaLine Universal Ointment 50 ml.

KovaLine Universal Ointment is a unique combination of pharmaceutical pure oil and wax. KovaLine Universal is a softening ointment which is particularly suitable for clean dry areas, e.g. on scabs, dry skin and surgical scars. Wounds and scars soften and heal nicely. The KovaLine Universal ointments can have an anti-itch effect.

Can be used for: Wounds with scabs, dry skin, paws, dry muzzle, corner of the mouth/corner of the mouth ulcer, mold, hooves, calcareous bones.

No conflict with FEI and DTC's list of prohibited ingredients.

Our consumers use this product with good experience for:
Small animals (dog, cat, rodents, poultry):
Scar/Operation scar
Elephant skin
Scabies mites
Calcareous bone
Itchy/dry skin
Paw care
Scabs (not oozing)
Dry nose

Horses and production animals:
Scar/Operation scar
Itchy/dry skin
Canker sores
Scabs (not oozing)

KovaLine is NOT a medical product. The KovaLine products are exclusively for external symptom treatment. It is therefore important to ensure optimal diet and nutrition. If in doubt, contact a veterinarian / doctor.

Read more about allergens from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency mst.dk

Ingredients: Paraffinum liquidum, Cera Alba (beeswax).

Our raw materials are carefully selected according to what we judge to be the best for you and your animal. That is why we use natural ingredients when it is the best alternative. We also have pharmaceutical pure ingredients where we know it has the best effect with minimal or no proven allergens.
In addition, some of our raw materials are organic.
Everything is produced in Denmark and all raw materials are EU approved.

Our packaging is in recyclable plastic and PVC-free. If it is sorted correctly, it can be melted down and reused for new packaging.
When the product is used, you can clean the empty packaging and recycle it at home, with a clear conscience.

These active choices about nature, the environment, efficiency, allergens and health help to ensure that you get the absolute best products for you and your animals.


What is KovaLine?

KovaLine is a Danish-produced and targeted treatment for various skin problems that we see in our pets. KovaLine is a natural alternative to antibiotics and steroids that have traditionally been used for skin problems. The products are extremely effective in healing and maintaining healthy skin.

The raw materials are carefully selected, after an assessment of what is best for you and your animal. Therefore, the products only contain natural ingredients when that is the best alternative. In addition, some of the raw materials are organic. Everything is produced in Denmark and all raw materials are EU approved.

The packaging is in recyclable plastic and PVC-free. If it is sorted correctly, it can be melted down and reused for new packaging. When the product is used, you can clean the empty packaging and recycle it at home, with a clear conscience.

These active choices about nature, the environment, efficiency, allergens and health help to ensure that you get the absolute best product for your pets.


Why use KovaLine?

KovaLine both cleans, exfoliates, cares and provides a healing effect. This combination of cleansing and healing congested skin provides an effective treatment against eczema, fungus, red paws, hot spots and dry skin. In case of severe skin diseases, the customer should always consult with their veterinarian, as some cases may require more aggressive or conventional treatments. After this, the KovaLine products will be able to finish the previous treatment, by calming and healing the skin in depth, so that it becomes resilient and resistant again.

KovaLine is NOT a medical product. The KovaLine products are exclusively for external symptom treatment. It is therefore important to ensure optimal diet and nutrition. If in doubt, contact a veterinarian / doctor.

No conflict with FEI and DTC's List of Prohibited Substances/Anti-Doping

129,00 DKK
159,00 DKK
You save: 30,00 DKK

KL Paw Care - Paw Salve 100 ml.
Protects the paws extra well, both in cold, heat, water and hard terrain.
Paw Care is made of pharmaceutical pure oils and beeswax, an extra effective combination which ensures that the paw retains moisture and elasticity, while also protecting against bacteria and cold/heat from the outside.

Dosage : Apply KL Paw Care to clean, dry paws, preferably just before your walk.

115,00 DKK
159,00 DKK
You save: 44,00 DKK

B&B Organic Paw Care is used to protect and keep the dog's paws flexible and healthy.
Counteracts dryness that can cause painful cracks that can occur due to road salt, frost or other external influences.
Penetrates quickly into the skin and is at the same time extremely emollient.

B&B Paw care is especially indispensable in winter.
Rub carefully on and between the foot pads both before and after the walk. Please wash the paws with a damp cloth before application - especially after the walk.

100 ml

79,00 DKK

Not just a paw wax

In addition to a practical and targeted size, this luxurious paw wax contains many Danish beneficial ingredients that provide thorough long-lasting care and at the same time ensure that the skin can breathe.

89,00 DKK
139,00 DKK
You save: 50,00 DKK

KW PAW CARE SPRAY protects and cares for paws and foot pads. Helps to keep the foot pads soft and supple. Provides a better grip on smooth surfaces.

Instructions for use:

The foot pads, which must be clean and dried, are applied with paw care spray. This creates a membrane that protects against water, salt and snow etc

85,00 DKK

KW POTEVOKS CREME lays a protective film over the dog's foot pads.

Instructions for use:

The foot pads, which must be clean and dried, are applied with paw wax. This creates a strong membrane that protects against water, salt and snow etc

Frost-free to -18C.

79,00 DKK

KW WAX for paws and skin. KW VOKS can be used for the paws, where it lays a protective membrane that is softening and water-repellent. And it can be used as protection in places where the skin is irritated or damaged.


Instructions for use:

Apply KW VOKS to the surface, which must be clean and dried. This creates a strong membrane that protects against water, salt, snow, asphalt dust etc. Apply before the walk or as needed.

Water-free and spreadable down to -25 degrees.

55,00 DKK

KW POTEWAX STICK lays a protective film over the dog's foot pads.

Winter can be hard on dog paws. Many dogs get ice or salt in cracks in their paws and it can be painful for them, and here KW Paw wax provides extra protection.

Instructions for use:

The foot pads, which must be clean and dried, are applied with paw wax. This creates a strong membrane that protects against water, salt and snow etc

75,00 DKK
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