Dog towels, washing gloves, cleaning wipes and other care items

As the title says, here you can find various care items for your dog, such as dog blow dryers, running pants, dog boots and Eco cleaner for the home. You can also find Stomax food supplements and products from organic B&B such as their fur care start box, Silver Water, Tic and Flea Petguard, and their Magic Dust which gives your dog a voluminous coat.

Model: 636.9500
Model: 718.0700
Model: 5538
Price from
349,00 DKK
Model: WSHOP-8420
  • Størrelse: xxs - 33 cm. (25-31cm.)
  • Størrelse: XS - 38 cm. (32-36 cm.)
  • Størrelse: S - 44 cm. (37-42cm.)
  • M - 52 cm. (43-49 cm.)
  • L - 60 cm. (50-56 cm.)
  • XL - 68 cm. (57-65 cm.)
  • XXL - 78 cm. (66-75 cm.)
Model: 9085
22% Off
145,00 DKK
185,00 DKK
You save: 40,00 DKK
Model: HK03736
Model: H03484
Model: 506062963020
12% Off
175,00 DKK
199,00 DKK
You save: 24,00 DKK
Model: COOL081
Model: WSHOP-8006
  • 2XS: 14-18 cm/6,5 cm
  • XS: 20-24 cm/8 cm
  • S: 24-31 cm/9,5 cm
  • S–M: 32-40 cm/11 cm
  • M: 40-45 cm/11 cm
  • M–L: 45-57 cm/11 cm
  • L–XL: 66-78 cm/12 cm
Model: 522193
Model: 522195
Model: WSHOP-7763
Model: 2600
Model: TX25705
Model: TX25704
Model: 908245
Model: TX23236
Model: H16502
Model: WSHOP-7493
  • XS 20 - 25 cm
  • S 24 - 31 cm
  • SM 32 - 39 cm
  • M 40 - 49 cm
  • L 50 - 59 cm
  • XL 60 - 70 cm
Model: 908234
Model: 800090
30% Off
101,50 DKK
145,00 DKK
You save: 43,50 DKK
Model: 697271866751
  • Str. XL - 70 cm lang
Model: H03620
Model: 908221
Model: 908220
Model: TX23237
Up to 30% Off
69,00 DKK
99,00 DKK
You save: 30,00 DKK
Model: WSHOP-6843
  • White
  • Puppies pink
33% Off
150,00 DKK
225,00 DKK
You save: 75,00 DKK
Model: 642.1350
Model: 6105
Model: 02002
Model: 571326900009
13% Off
129,00 DKK
149,00 DKK
You save: 20,00 DKK
Model: 61910
Model: WSHOP-5790
109,00 DKK
Model: 9061
Model: 00901
Model: 02001
Model: 9077
Model: 9067