Find the right care products for your aquarium, among many brands such as Tetra, jbl, Fluval, Easy-Life and many others.

Test vandet via strips og se resultatet direkte på din telefon.
Virker sammen med din smartphone på både Android og Iphone.

JBL ProScan Testsæt indeholder 24 strips, farvekort og link til den nødvendige app.
JBL ProScan Refill indeholder 24 strips.

149,00 DKK
199,00 DKK
You save: 50,00 DKK

Easy-Life EasyStart – Naturlig Filtreringsstarter til Ferskvands- og Saltvandsakvarier

Easy-Life EasyStart er den perfekte løsning, når du starter et nyt akvarium. Denne naturlige filtreringsstarter er udviklet til hurtigt at rense og stabilisere vandet i både ferskvands- og saltvandsakvarier, så det bliver klart og sikkert til fisk. Med sin unikke kombination af højaktive bakteriekulturer hjælper EasyStart med at skabe et sundt akvariemiljø, hvor fisk kan trives og udfolde deres levende farver.


  • Naturlig Vandstabilisering: Renser og stabiliserer hurtigt vandet, hvilket gør akvariet klar til fisk.
  • Højaktive Bakteriekulturer: Sikrer en hurtig opbygning af gavnlige bakterier for at undgå giftig nitritdannelse.
  • Reducerer Skadelige Bakterier: Mindsker effekten af harmfulde bakterier og fjerner tungmetaller samt kemisk kontamination fra vandet.
  • Klart og Rent Vand: Grums og uklarheder forsvinder efter få timer.


  • Første dag: Tilsæt 10 ml pr. 50 liter vand.
  • Efter en uge: Gentag samme dosis.
  • Efter 2 uger: Gentag endnu en gang med 10 ml pr. 50 liter vand.
  • Forebyggelse og Nitratkontrol: Brug dagligt 10 ml pr. 50 liter vand efter behov.

Efter de første 14 dage anbefales det at skifte til Easy-Life Filter Medium for regelmæssig vedligeholdelse. For bedste resultat, opbevar produktet mørkt og køligt efter åbning.


  • 250 ml EasyStart: Nok til at behandle op til 1.250 liter akvarievand.

Bestil Easy-Life EasyStart i dag, og skab det perfekte miljø for dine fisk. Med EasyStart får du en naturlig, sikker og effektiv start på dit akvarieeventyr – og dine fisk vil takke dig med livlige farver og sund trivsel.

89,00 DKK

TetraAqua Crystalwater - Gør akvarievandet krystalklart - fjerner snavs og uklarhed i vandet sikkert og hurtigt.

Partikler bindes og filtreres ud af vandet via akvariefiltret.

Synligt resultet efter 2-3 timer.

Til alle ferskvandsakvarier. Indhold: 250 ml

105,00 DKK

TetraAqua Crystalwater - Gør akvarievandet krystalklart - fjerner snavs og uklarhed i vandet sikkert og hurtigt.

Partikler bindes og filtreres ud af vandet via akvariefiltret.

Synligt resultet efter 2-3 timer.

Til alle ferskvandsakvarier. Indhold: 100 ml

59,95 DKK

Tetra Aqua Easy Balance - Langtidspleje for Biologisk sundt vand - i op til seks måneder. Reducerer antallet af vandskift. Reducerer fosfat og nitrat.

Tilføjer værdifulde vitaminer, sporstoffer og mineraler.

Til alle ferskvands akvarier. Indhold: 500 ml

49,95 DKK

Carbonate is essential for good plant growth
EasyCarbo is an extremely powerful and effective carbonate source for aquarium plants
Carbonate (In the form of CO2 dissolved in the water) is one of the most important nutrients for optimal plant growth
If there is a lack of carbonate, the plants are unable to assimilate and grow
As a result of this deficiency, the plants stop growing and no longer compete with the algae for nutrients
If this lack of carbonate lasts too long, the plants begin to leak sugars and other nutrients that attract algae
The result is that the leaves become covered with algae and do not look attractive
EasyCarbo is the solution to this problem
After approx. After 2 weeks of using EasyCarbo, the plants visibly grow more and look better
This applies especially to swamp plants (Cryptocoryne sp, Echinodorus sp, etc) As a result of increased competition for nutrients, it becomes difficult for the algae to survive, and in most cases they disappear completely
Using ProFito and EasyCarbo is the optimal combination
Plants need more than just carbon
Trace elements are also essential
Since their presence cannot be precisely measured, we therefore do not know which trace elements are in the water and so ProFito is the ideal solution to enrich the water as best as possible with trace elements
Tips for use: Aquariums with only a few plants: 1 ml per 100 litres/day
Aquariums that are moderately planted: 1 ml per 50 litres/day
Aquariums that are densely planted: 1 ml per 25 litres/day

669,00 DKK
699,00 DKK
You save: 30,00 DKK
FREE shipping!

Water test with analysis via smartphone for freshwater aquariums, garden ponds and water from taps / wells
Water analysis and diagnosis via smartphone: easy and safe monitoring of the water values in freshwater aquariums.

Determination of: general hardness, carbonate hardness, pH value, nitrite, nitrate, chlorine and CO2 calculation
The new generation of water analysis: Download the ProScan app for free, immerse the test strip in water, place the strip on the color chart for analysis, scan the color card, values are determined.
Quick diagnosis - accurate results: Test value results are displayed as numbers and additionally evaluated (good / medium / bad).

Additional recommendations for optimal values in freshwater aquariums and ponds
Compatible with iPhone and iPad: requires iOS 9.0 or later, Android version 5.0 or later, and a camera with autofocus
Contents: 24 water analysis strips, 1 ProScan color card, 1 ProScan app for free download


199,00 DKK

A high level of nitrate in the water can not only lead to increased algae growth in your aquarium, but can also harm your fish. Tetra Nitratminus water treatment agent reduces the content of nitrate by increasing the amount of beneficial bacteria in the water, which feed on nitrate. They then break down the nitrate, so that you raise your aquarium's water quality in a natural and safe way, and lower the amount of nitrate in the water to an acceptable value below 40 to 50 milligrams per liter. litres.

It can take up to a few weeks before you see an effect of Tetra Nitratminus water treatment agent, as it depends on the amount of nitrate in your aquarium, which is continuously produced by the waste of your fish. Continuous use of Tetra Nitratminus water treatment helps to stabilize the nitrate level in the water.

Tetra Nitratminus water treatment agent is suitable for freshwater aquariums and is harmless to your aquarium's inhabitants.

This 100 ml bottle is enough for 400 liters of water, and the liquid formula makes it easy to dose, as well as to re-dose.

49,95 DKK

Test strips for quick aquarium water testing
Test strips for testing 7 important water values in 1 minute: quick test for general guidance when testing aquarium, garden pond, well and tap water.
Easy to use: Dip the test strip into the water for 2-3 seconds. Remove the test strip. Let the water drain sideways. Compare the test strip with the color scale on the packaging after 1 minute.
Read the CO2 value in the table
Determines the following water values: chlorine, acidity (pH), general hardness (GH), toxic nitrite compound (NO2), cause of algae (NO3), pH stability (KH) and main nutrient (CO2 content using the table)
The content of the package:
Test strips EasyTest 7 in 1 on color scale and CO2 table.
Contents: 50 test strips

169,00 DKK
JBL pH test 6.0-7.6 pH.

Easy and quick measurement of the pH value of aquarium water.
Only 3 drops should be used per test
Scale. 0.2 pH.

Color scale divided into 9 colours, from green to blue
The test can only be used for measurements of fresh water.
Contains 80 measurements.

129,00 DKK
JBL KH Test.

The JBL KH test ensures a quick and easy measurement of the KH value of aquarium water. The KH test kit is easy to read by means of a color change.

1 drop = 1 ° KH (GKH).
Color change from blue to yellow.
Can be used for both fresh and salt water.

The JBL ProAqua Test KH is an easy-to-use rapid test for determining the carbonate hardness or antacid capacity of salt water and fresh water. This corresponds to 1 drop = 1 °dKH.

Why test? Depending on its origin, and often due to the nature of the subsoil, water can contain different amounts of different mineral salts. Most of the salts dissolved in it are alkaline earths and alkaline hydrogen carbonates. Together with carbonates and carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen carbonates form an important buffer system that prevents dangerously high pH fluctuations in water. The measured carbonate hardness (KH) gives the total concentration of hydrogen carbonate in the water and can therefore in rare cases (when alkaline hydrogen carbonates are mainly present, e.g. in East African lakes) be higher than the general hardness, which only takes alkaline earth salts into account. Most freshwater fish and plants in the aquarium can be kept with a carbonate hardness of around 5-16 °dH. However, for optimal CO2 fertilisation, the carbonate hardness should not be below 5 °dH

99,00 DKK

JBL ProAqua Test GH General Hardness for fast, reliable and accurate determination of the total hardness in fresh water. 1 drop corresponds to 1 °dGH. Color change from red to green.

Why test? Depending on its origin, and often due to the nature of the subsoil, water can contain different amounts of different mineral salts. By definition, general hardness is the total concentration of all alkaline earth ions in water. The general hardness is mostly formed by calcium and magnesium salts. Most fish and plants can be kept successfully with a general hardness of around 8-25 °dH.

99,00 DKK

Test set for measuring the iron content in aquarium water within the range 0.05-1.5 mg/l.
Is important for control when adding iron to the aquarium or garden pond.

Iron is an indispensable trace element for plant and animal organisms. In addition to a sufficient supply of CO2 and other trace elements, iron is essential for good plant growth and is consumed continuously. Glassy-yellowish discoloration in leaf buds and young leaves is a sign of iron deficiency.

179,00 DKK

Monitors the water values in the aquarium easily and reliably.
Determined: pH, carbonate hardness, CO2 directly, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphate, silicate and nitrate.

Add reagents to the water samples, compare to the color chart, read the value and check the analysis sheet to see what measurements are recommended if necessary.

Comparison systems take into account the natural color of the water (compensate for it).

895,00 DKK
FREE shipping!

The fish stock and the plants in the aquarium are dependent on the correct water values in the aquarium. Even if the water looks clear, it may be contaminated. With poor values, diseases or algae can occur in the aquarium. To maintain a healthy aquarium, with conditions close to nature, it is important to check and adjust the water values regularly. With the JBL Test Combi set, you can read the 5 most important water values in your aquarium.

There is pH (3-10), KH, Fe, NO2, NO3 & co2

449,00 DKK
649,00 DKK
You save: 200,00 DKK
FREE shipping!

Natural effect of tropical almond leaves
Natural water conditioning. Promotes well-being, vitality and desire to spawn.
Directly harvested from the tree, cleaned, smoothed and sun-dried
Contents: 1 packet of Nano-Catappa, 10 leaves, use: 1 leaf / 15 - 30 l of water. Active substances are completely released after 1 - 3 weeks

69,00 DKK

The JBL Nitrate test gives a precise and quick result of the nitrate (NO3) content in freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
If the nitrate content is high, it can lead to unwanted algae growth.

Measuring range from 1.0 to 240 mg/l nitrate.
Color change with 11 color changes from yellow to orange-red.
Recommended level max.: 50 mg/l nitrate in fresh water.

199,00 DKK

The JBL nitrite test gives a very precise and quick result of the nitrite value in freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
An elevated content of nitrite in the aquarium water can be fatal for your fish.

Recommended level max.: 0.1 mg/l nitrite in fresh water.
Color change with 9 color changes from yellow to pink.

149,00 DKK
Tetra Aquasafe 5 litres.

Canister with 5 liters of aquasafe water improvement agent that converts tap water into natural and healthy aquarium water that makes it better suited for aquarium fish, with new BioExtract for healthy and clear water.

removes unwanted substances; efficient, stable
long-term heavy metal binding.
- chlorine is neutralized continuously.
- adds neutralizing substances.
- broad-acting mucosal protection through various
- with magnesium and anti-stress factor vitamin B1.
- by adding tap water, by transporting fish, by
quarantine treatment.
- improves breeding conditions and promotes plant growth.
- regenerates the fish after disease treatment.
- ideal combination product for AquaSafe is EasyBalance,
with which you stabilize your water values and thus
reduces the frequency of water changes.
- freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

599,00 DKK
749,00 DKK
You save: 150,00 DKK
FREE shipping!

Activated carbon from eheim, filter material for aquarium filters.
This filter material is part of eheim's filter materials in their bucket filters, it is usually just before the fine white sponge in the filter.

Removes unwanted chemicals and color from the water!

99,00 DKK
129,00 DKK
You save: 30,00 DKK

JBL Proaqua Testset Lab, ensure you can easily monitor the water values reliably in freshwater aquariums: Determine: pH, carbonate hardness, calcium, magnesium, copper, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, oxygen.

The kit is incredibly easy to use, just pour water into the cuvette, add indicator, compare on scale / count drops until the color changes. The comparison system takes into account the natural color of the water.

A report sheet for water analysis and a pen are included, at the same time the bottles are made of reagents and a waterproof plastic bag. The bottles are child-safe.

Healthy aquariums with conditions close to nature The right water values depend on the fish population and the plants in the aquarium. Even clear water can still be contaminated. Bad values can cause diseases or algae in the aquarium. To maintain a healthy aquarium with conditions close to nature, it is important to check and adjust the water values regularly. With the JBL water test, you can quickly, easily and very precisely determine all relevant water values.

Set can subsequently be refilled individually.


  • Test kit for freshwater aquariums
  • For monitoring the water values
  • Trustworthy
  • Easy to use

The following tests are possible::
pH test: acidity in water from 3.0 to 10
pH test: acidity of water from 6.0 to 7.6
pH test: acidity of water from 7.4 to 9.0
O2- Test: Determination of the oxygen content
CO2 test: determination of the carbon dioxide content for vigorous plant growth
GH test: determination of total hardness
KH test: pH stability in the water (carbonate hardness)
PO4 test: determination of the phosphate content (cause of algae and plant nutrients)
test NH4 / NH3: display of non-toxic ammonium, determination of the toxic ammonia via table
NO2 test: determination of the nitrogen compound nitrite, which is toxic to fish
NO3 test: determination of the nitrogen content (cause of algae and plant nutrient)
Fe test: determination of the iron content for fertilizer control
K-test: determination of the plant's nutrient potassium
Cu test : Deadly heavy metal for invertebrates. Also important for setting the therapeutic dose of medicine
SiO2 test: Determination of the silicates (silica) as the cause of diatoms


829,00 DKK
FREE shipping!
JBL ProClean BAC 50ml immediately activates new filter media and promotes the filtration performance in your aquarium.
Live bacteria that break down ammonium, nitrite and nitrate in your aquarium.
Provides a clean aquarium.
Use: Shake the bottle thoroughly, open and pour the entire contents into the aquarium.
Ideal for freshwater aquariums 60-200 litres.
Always use after: Water change, filter cleaning, medication and arrival of new fish.
Indispensable in newly started aquariums.

Breaks down ammonium and nitrite.
Creates surface in the aquarium.
Then waste materials have a place to attach, and can thus be broken down more easily.

Supports the filter and reduces "sludge" on the bottom of the aquarium.

Content: 50 ml concentrated content of live bacteria for freshwater aquariums.
Ranges from 60-200 l.
Use each time after:
Water change
Filter cleaning
Delivery of medicine or similar
Supply of new fish
59,00 DKK
60,00 DKK
You save: 1,00 DKK
100% natural ingredients.
Contains no chemicals, bacteria or other organic additives. Extremely effective in freshwater and saltwater aquariums and ponds. Improves and provides more stable water quality, removed chemicals, food residues, heavy metals, chlorine, ammonia and other pollutants, better plant growth, young fish grow faster, corals grow better, algae is prevented or disappears completely. Unlimited durability. 10 ml per 30 liters.
159,00 DKK
269,00 DKK
You save: 110,00 DKK

Test of PH, for fresh water

79,00 DKK

The small chemistry kit for testing nitrate NO2 in your aquarium water.

79,00 DKK

Tetra Ph/KH Minus - for controlled reduction of the pH value and carbonate hardness level. Easy to use when establishing tropical water conditions.

129,95 DKK
Aquarium CO2 Drop Checker Solution 15ml.
It consists of a ready-made 4dKH solution containing the appropriate amount of indicator. Easy to use, no mixing required. You simply open the cap and fill the CO2 chip.
  1. Fill drop checker 2 / 3 full of CO2 Drop Checker solution
  2. Install drop checker in the aquarium
  3. Optimum CO2 level is reached when the indicator solution is deep green
  4. replace the CO2 Drop Checker Solution at least once a month to maintain accuracy

When the drop-checker is immersed in the aquarium, the carbon dioxide will be expelled from the aquarium water into the air space of the drop-checker and will gradually be absorbed into the indicator solution. The carbon dioxide gas will seek an equilibrium point between the indicator solution and the aquarium water. As equilibrium is reached, the color of the indicator solution inside the drop checker changes based on the concentration of CO2 in the aquarium water.

If the indicator solution is green in color, adequate levels of carbon dioxide are present in the aquarium and no action is required. If the solution in the drop checker changes to blue or yellow, then CO2 levels in the aquarium are too low or too high.

65,00 DKK

Specially designed to suit every need.

Made of glass, for maximum reliability.

Supplied with 15ml Drop Checker Solution and suction cup

No mixing or preparation required.

This is all you need to start monitoring CO2 levels in your aquarium.

Drop Checker is an original glassware product designed to indicate the CO2 amount diluted in the aquarium water with the color change of the pH reagent inside, to understand the correct amount of CO2 supply.

Drop Checker Size:

  • Outer diameter: 3cm
  • Height: 5.5cm
129,00 DKK
Simple and easy measurement of water values in your aquarium. The strip measures pH, GH, KH, nitrite, nitrate and chlorine.
99,00 DKK

The benefits of this revolutionary product are so extensive that it is difficult to give a total overview of the many positive properties of Easy-Life ffm.
100% natural ingredients
Completely harmless in use
Contains no chemicals, bacteria or other organic additives
Extremely effective in freshwater and saltwater aquariums, sea ponds and paludariums

Improves and provides more stable water quality, accelerates the operation of the aquarium, removed chemicals, chemical residues, heavy metals, chlorine, ammonia and other pollutants, better plant growth, young fish grow faster and better, corals grow better, algae growth is inhibited, disappears.

Order item, approx. 5 days

699,00 DKK
FREE shipping!
CO2 Test set JBL permanent + PH

This JBL permanent Test will show you the amount of CO2 (main food source for plants)
The smart control glass sits inside the aquarium with a suction cup, and thus the CO2 content is displayed permanently, and you can also read the Ph value if you know the KH value in your aquarium water.

129,00 DKK
179,95 DKK
You save: 50,95 DKK

Means for the preparation of tap water. Prepares tap water for fish-friendly and natural aquarium water with BioExtract formula that provides healthy and clear water.

The new formula promotes healthy water and healthy fish using a unique blend of natural biopolymers and trace elements.

Substances harmful to fish in waterworks water are neutralized immediately. chlorine is eliminated and heavy metals such as copper, zinc and lead are completely and permanently bound.

Vital substances found in natural environments are added: iodine to make the fish more vital, magnesium to promote their growth and well-being, vitamin B with stress.

Gills and mucous skin are effectively protected by caring colloids that can be felt.

With BioExtract formula: natural biopolymers support the beneficial bacterial growth which provides healthy and clear water.

Use: every time part of the water is replaced with water from the tap, during transport of the fish, in connection with quarantine treatment.

Regenerates the fish after treatment with disease

The ideal combination product for aquaSafe is Easybalance, which you can use to stabilize your water values and thus reduce the number of water changes.

159,00 DKK
169,00 DKK
You save: 10,00 DKK

Means for the preparation of tap water. Prepares tap water for fish-friendly and natural aquarium water with BioExtract formula that provides healthy and clear water.

The new formula promotes healthy water and healthy fish using a unique blend of natural biopolymers and trace elements.

Substances harmful to fish in waterworks water are neutralized immediately. chlorine is eliminated and heavy metals such as copper, zinc and lead are completely and permanently bound.

Vital substances found in natural environments are added: iodine to make the fish more vital, magnesium to promote their growth and well-being, vitamin B with stress.

Gills and mucous skin are effectively protected by caring colloids that can be felt.

With BioExtract formula: natural biopolymers support the beneficial bacterial growth which provides healthy and clear water.

Use: every time part of the water is replaced with water from the tap, during transport of the fish, in connection with quarantine treatment.

Regenerates the fish after treatment with disease

The ideal combination product for aquaSafe is Easybalance, which you can use to stabilize your water values and thus reduce the number of water changes.

89,00 DKK
95,00 DKK
You save: 6,00 DKK

Means for the preparation of tap water. Prepares tap water for fish-friendly and natural aquarium water with BioExtract formula that provides healthy and clear water.

The new formula promotes healthy water and healthy fish using a unique blend of natural biopolymers and trace elements.

Substances harmful to fish in waterworks water are neutralized immediately. chlorine is eliminated and heavy metals such as copper, zinc and lead are completely and permanently bound.

Vital substances found in natural environments are added: iodine to make the fish more vital, magnesium to promote their growth and well-being, vitamin B with stress.

Gills and mucous skin are effectively protected by caring colloids that can be felt.

With BioExtract formula: natural biopolymers support the beneficial bacterial growth which provides healthy and clear water.

Use: every time part of the water is replaced with water from the tap, during transport of the fish, in connection with quarantine treatment.

Regenerates the fish after treatment with disease

The ideal combination product for aquaSafe is Easybalance, which you can use to stabilize your water values and thus reduce the number of water changes.

45,00 DKK

Activates the aquarium immediately and thus establishes a biologically active environment that provides a safe start to the aquarium.

Tetra SafeStart contains specially grown, live nitrifying bacteria that have been shown to reduce toxic ammonia and nitrite in the aquarium.

Reduces the content of ammonia by up to 14 times and nitrite by up to 10 times.

Can be used both when establishing a new aquarium and after treatment with medicines and after any water change.

Tetra SafeStart is ideal in combination with AquaSafe which promotes the colonization of bacteria.

75,00 DKK
EasyCarbo is a powerful and efficient carbon source for aquarium plants. Already after 1-2 weeks, you can experience strong growth in the plants. Can be used both with and without addition from Co2 plant. The algae will find it incredibly difficult to gain a foothold due to the improved growth of the plants. Dosage: - aquarium with few plants: 1 ml per 100 liters daily, - aquarium with medium vegetation: 1 ml per 50 liters daily, - aquarium with many plants: 1 ml per 25 liters daily.
149,00 DKK
EasyCarbo is a powerful and efficient carbon source for aquarium plants. Already after 1-2 weeks, you can experience strong growth in the plants. Can be used both with and without addition from Co2 plant. The algae will find it incredibly difficult to gain a foothold due to the improved growth of the plants. Dosage: - aquarium with few plants: 1 ml per 100 liters daily, - aquarium with medium vegetation: 1 ml per 50 liters daily, - aquarium with many plants: 1 ml per 25 liters daily.
85,00 DKK
100% natural ingredients.
Contains no chemicals, bacteria or other organic additives. Extremely effective in freshwater and saltwater aquariums and ponds. Improves and provides more stable water quality, removed chemicals, food residues, heavy metals, chlorine, ammonia and other pollutants, better plant growth, young fish grow faster, corals grow better, algae is prevented or disappears completely. Unlimited durability. 10 ml per 30 liters.
119,00 DKK
145,00 DKK
You save: 26,00 DKK
100% natural ingredients. Contains no chemicals, bacteria or other organic additives. Extremely effective in freshwater and saltwater aquariums and ponds. Improves and provides more stable water quality, removed chemicals, food residues, heavy metals, chlorine, ammonia and other pollutants, better plant growth, young fish grow faster, corals grow better, algae is prevented or disappears completely. Unlimited durability. 10 ml per 30 liters.
75,00 DKK
89,00 DKK
You save: 14,00 DKK
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